5.发表的代表性论文及著作 论文 (1)Xiaohong Wang,Changxi Liu,Zhanwen Tang,Yunlong Wang. Analysis on the process of stress transferring and characterization on the property of “interphase” in three-phase single-fiber composites.Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2014.7, 33(15): 1388-1402.(SCI, IF=1.503). (2)Xiaohong Wang,Analysis and determination for the parameters of ‘cohesive element’in numerical model of single fiber composites, II: The strength parameters. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L Journal of Materials Design and Applications. 2014.4.(SCI,IF=0.746) (3)Wang Xiaohong, Zhang Boming, Du Shanyi, Wu Yufen, Sun Xinyang. Numerical simulation of the fiber fragmentation process in single-fiber composites. Material and Design (SCI, IF=4.525). 2010,31(5):2464~2470. (4)王晓宏,张博明,杜善义,孙新杨.基于弹塑性剪滞理论的单丝复合材料段裂过程的蒙特卡罗模拟.复合材料学报(EI). 2010, 27(5):1~6. (5)王晓宏,张博明,刘长喜,杜善义.纤维缠绕复合材料压力容器渐进损伤分析.计算力学学报(EI).2009,26(3):446~452. (6)王晓宏,张博明,杜善义,于东.形状记忆合金驱动主动变形波纹板结构的有限元分析.机械工程学报(EI).2009, 45(8):287~291. (7)王晓宏,张博明,杜善义,于东.不同初始组织结构的形状记忆合金性能及参数的研究 材料开发与应用(ISTP). 2009, 24(1):12~15. (8)Xiaohong Wang, Changxi Liu, Zhanwen Tang,Yunlong Wang. Analysis on the process of stress transferring and characterization on the property of ''interphase'' in three-phase single-fiber composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2014. 33(15):1388-1402. (SCI收录) (9)Xiaohong Wang, Changxi Liu, Zhanwen Tang, Lihua Wen , Fengyang Bi , Xinyang Sun. Analysis and determination for the parameters of ''cohesive element'' in numerical model of single fiber composites, II: The strength parameters. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L- Journal of Materials Design and Applications. 2015.229(6):472-480.(SCI收录) (10)王晓宏, 张丰发, 刘长喜, 王云龙, 毕凤阳, 张东兴.陶瓷/纤维层间混杂复合材料设计制作及抗弹体冲击性能测试.复合材料学报,2021.38(8):2684-2693(EI收录) (11)王晓宏,刘长喜,毕凤阳,武玉芬,邢立峰,张丰发.非等厚碳纤维复合材料弹性膜盘结构的设计及制作.昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版)2021.46(1):26-35. (12)王晓宏,刘长喜,毕凤阳,武玉芬,邢立峰.层压板单搭接胶接结构损伤失效行为表征分析.天津科技大学学报,2021.36(3):39-45,59. (13)王晓宏,张丰发,刘长喜,王云龙,毕凤阳,张东兴.陶瓷/纤维层间混杂复合材料弹体冲击过程的数值分析.内燃机与配件.2021.8:30-32. (14)王晓宏,张丰发,刘长喜,毕凤阳,王云龙.含预埋件层合板螺栓连接结构剪切性能的试验研究.内燃机与配件.2021.8:62-64. (15)王晓宏,张丰发,刘长喜,毕凤阳,王云龙.复合材料多钉连接载荷分配的均匀化方法.价值工程.2021.8:144-146. 著作 (1)《自动化制造系统》北京大学出版社.2021.7 主编 (2)《建筑力学》西北农林科技大学出版社. 2021.6 副主编 (3)《液压与气动技术》. 中国石油大学出版社.2021.6 副主编 |